Installation Instructions



1. Download the installer for Mac from Safari Pedals and open the .pkg file to begin the installation



  1. Download the installer for PC from Safari Pedals and Extract the .zip file
  2. Inside the installer folder you’ll find 3 sub-folders:

    Safari Pedals - User Manuals

    Safari Pedals - AAX (For Pro tools)

    Safari Pedals - VST3 (for all other DAW’s)

    Safari Pedals - Setup Guide

  3. Open the Setup Guide and follow the instructions specific to your DAW.



  1. Open the plugin within your DAW.
  2. Enter the Serial Number found within your Safari Plugins User Account / Serial numbers email, and click 'Enter'.

Please use copy-paste for best accuracy

  1. Your software is now installed and ready to use within your DAW.