Abi Asks: Carl Bahner - Safari Pedals

Getting Consistent Mix Results: Carl Bahner's Approach

Hey Y'all!

For the past few weeks, my goal has been to confidently achieve consistent mix results. As the wise philosopher Miley Cyrus once said, “I, I gotta be strong, Just keep pushing on.” So, in that spirit, I asked Mix Engineer Carl Bahner: "What do you think is the key to getting consistent mix results every time?"

The Key to Consistent Mix Results

He said: "Some studio pros argue that consistent mix results come from great room treatment, familiarity with go-to plugins, the “car test,” and referencing on multiple devices. While these are valid points, Carl offered a rarely-discussed technique that has significantly impacted his mix consistency:

Using the same monitor volume settings every time you mix.

Why Consistent Monitor Volume Matters

Carl explained, "Whenever I’m mixing, I have my monitor volume on my Apollo set to the same position every time. I do it for a few reasons:

  1. Avoiding the 'Louder is Better' Trap: Keeping a consistent volume helps me determine if the mix is genuinely powerful and exciting, or just loud.
  2. Quick Low-End Balance: Mixing at the same level allows me to instinctively feel when the bottom end is too loud or when the kick/bass relationship is off.
  3. Predictable Stereo Imaging: Consistent volume reduces the impact of room reflections, making stereo imaging more predictable.

It’s like making my morning coffee: I don't need a measuring spoon to add the right amount of milk. I've done it so many times the same way, I just sense when it’s perfect. Similarly, in my listening environment, it's easier to adjust kicks than to remove excess milk from my coffee."

Practical Tips for Consistent Mix Results

  1. Set and Stick to a Monitor Volume: Choose a comfortable monitoring volume and stick with it for a full week.
  2. Check at Different Volumes: Crank up the volume to eliminate noise, then return to your set level.
  3. Use Multiple References: Listen in mono, at low volume, on a phone, and in your car.

Challenge: Try Consistent Monitor Volume

Carl's advice surprised me. I expected him to emphasize experience, room treatment, or gear. However, his practical tip is applicable to everyone, whether you’re a seasoned engineer or mixing at home with headphones. By being mindful of our volume, we can make better mixing decisions without damaging our eardrums. So, let’s adopt this technique and have fun while mixing!

Thanks Carl for this insightful advice!
Catch y'all next week!

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